

We believe in our responsibility – to the planet, 我们的人民, 以及我们所亿宝彩票app官网的社区. 作为一家每年为数百万客户提供亿宝彩票app官网的全球性公司, our integrated food services not only create experiences that set new standards for health, 幸福, 生产力, and sustainability but also to a happier and more creative workforce.



谁会忘记一顿美味的饭菜或一杯美味的咖啡呢? 食物 directly affects how people feel about places – and organisations have to maximise that by offering the best food experience to their employees, 客户及访客. 



Today’s knowledge workers have high expectations when it comes to food in the workplace. 美味的, healthy food prepared with care and expertly served can excite y我们的人民 and inspire greater loyalty to your business, 同时也让你的工作场所对新人才有吸引力.



当我们吃得好,我们表现得好. 我们的美味, nutritious food has a big part to play in keeping production workers focused while on the job – helping to increase uptime, reduce the risk of employee error and cut the number of sick days.



我们明白营养平衡的重要性, increasing hydration and meeting allergy and dietary needs as healthcare professionals nurse patients back to optimal health. Our menus are specifically designed to address the needs of patients, 医疗保健专业人员和访客.



Great food experiences can make people happy and healthy while also raising the standard for places. Our approach to 餐饮 and hospitality facilities management matches your need for a place that works, 思考或给予. From everyday kitchen and food services to pop-up concepts and fine-dining, we tailor food experiences to your desired taste – and deliver the best the market has to offer.


A great restaurant serves as a communal hub for your organisation – and the heart of your entire culture. 用健康滋养你的食客, 新鲜准备的早餐, 午餐或外卖晚餐, served by a 茶m that cares about y我们的人民 and their wellbeing.


Never underestimate the power of a good cup of coffee or 茶 – it brings people together and can even increase 生产力. 我们让喝咖啡师煮的咖啡变得又快又方便, 茶, 还有其他的饮料和零食.

热情好客 & 餐饮

每一次会议都可能对你的公司有决定性的影响. 为富有成效的会议设计和提供茶点, 我们会帮你创造一个“哇”的会议, keeping creativity levels high and people fuelled so that decisions are never taken on empty stomachs or with tired minds.

弹出窗口 & 商业合作伙伴

Bring the outside world into your workplace with pop-up or high street concept stores. Your employees and visitors will savour the variety of food concepts and bring excitement to their day – relishing the opportunity to experiment with both new and recognisable names on the global culinary scene.

美食 & 事件餐饮

A memorable fine dining experience or company event has the power to inspire colleagues, strengthen organisational culture and shape loyal and long-lasting customer relationships. Let us design and deliver your bespoke entertainment and 餐饮, 包括高端, professional private dining room experiences that rival the best restaurants.

Micro-kitchens & 自动售货

Make it simple for your employees and visitors to grab quality refreshments and light meals on-the-go with our self-serve 自动售货 machines or micro-kitchens – a cosy kitchen setting in which to gather and recharge.  



作为一家每年为数百万客户提供亿宝彩票app官网的全球性公司, 我们承认我们对地球的责任, 我们的人民, 以及我们所亿宝彩票app官网的社区. To this end, we have dedicated ourselves to contributing to a Net Zero Future. By committing to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions within scope 1 and 2 by 2030 and attaining full-scope net zero emissions by 2040, 包括我们整个供应链, we are actively fulfilling our vital role in fostering a more sustainable planet.   



与我们的主要客户一起, we strive to minimise our environmental footprint and drastically reduce food waste – this year and for many years to come.  用科技和对地球的关爱, our goals are to actively reduce food waste at thousands of locations. 



reduction of Green House Gas emissions from the food we serve by 2030



